Friday, March 15, 2013

Toilet Seat Museum Part 4: Tributes

In this post, I showed you some of the glory that is the Toilet Seat Museum. If you haven't read it yet, go do it right now.


In Part 4 of my tour of the Toilet Seat Museum, I bring you the beauty of toilet seat tributes.

Alas, poor Pope John Paul II.
Pope dies in his 80s, toilet seat artist still living in his 90s. The world makes sense.

Actual piece of the Challenger after it exploded.
Well, obviously not taken before it exploded.

I really don't know what it is I'm supposed to remember.
Not to have it with milk at breakfast?

The Virgin Mary in all of her utterly fabulous glory!
She's ready for the disco.

Marilyn Monroe, naturally.
Or unnaturally, given that she changed her hair and name.

I found Brad Pitt hiding in the corner.
Awww, it's okay! You can come out, boy! We won't hurt you! That's a good boy!

Mr. Smith got to appear on The View, showing off his toilet seats. They graciously signed this toilet seat for him.
So many jokes, I don't know where to start...

Military tribute toilet seats.
Seriously, how the hell am I expected to come up with just one joke?

Okay, are you ready for the best tribute toilet seat of them all? Are you sure? Once you scroll down, there is no turning back! Okay...prepare yourself...


Michael Jackson is embedded in your toilet seat for a ghostly ass-grabbing!

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